Emergency lighting using white LEDs Circuit Diagram

This  Emergency lighting using white LEDs Circuit Diagram should be assembled only by experienced people and it is advisable to use a protection network, which can be a light bulb in series. For anyone who is thinking of making a system of emergency lighting and simple, this circuit is a cheap and functional output. The circuit is basically composed of a source AC / DC without a transformer, a charger, a system of automatic switching using a diode and a diode switch to change the brightness.

 Emergency lighting using white LEDs Circuit Diagram

 Emergency lighting using white LEDs Circuit Diagram

List of Components

R1 = 1M, ¼ Watt, 5%
R2 = 10K, ¼ Watt, 5%
R3 = 10 Ohms 1Watt
All resistors are LED = 22 Ohms, ¼ Watt
C1 = 205/400V, PPC
C2 = 100uF, 25V
Z1 = 9 V, 1 WATT
T1 = BD 140
All diodes = 1N4007
BATTERY = 6 volts 4 AH


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