Simple 12V to 120V Inverter Circuit Diagram

This is the Simple 12V to 120V Inverter Circuit Diagram. This Simple 12V to 120V Inverter Circuit Diagram should solve that problem. It takes 12 VDC and steps it up to 120 VAC. The wattage depends on which tansistors you use for Q1 and Q2, as well as how "big" a transformer you use for T1. The inverter can be constructed to supply anywhere from 1 to 1000 (1 KW) watts.

Simple 12V to 120V Inverter Circuit Diagram

Simple 12V to 120V Inverter Circuit Diagram

Parts List 
Substitutions - Total Qty.- Description
C1, C2             2                 68 uf, 25 V Tantalum Capacitor   
R1, R2              2                 10 Ohm, 5 Watt Resistor   
R3, R4              2                180 Ohm, 1 Watt Resistor   
D1, D2              2                HEP 154 Silicon Diode   
Q1, Q2             2                2N3055 NPN Transistor (see "Notes")   
T1                      1               24V, Center Tapped Transformer (see "Notes")   
MISC                1               Wire, Case, Receptical (For Output)


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