5.8 Watt Audio Power Amplifier Circuit Diagram

This circuit use TA7222AP to amplifiers audio signal .The price only $0.99 and can provide 5.8 watt with Muting Control.Power supply can use for 8-12Vdc it is a good idea to use for car audio power amp , coin-op machine game, security system etc. link

Fig 1. TA7222AP pin out

Pin Name Description
1 Vcc Supply Voltage
2 RR Ripple Reject
3 MC Muting control
4 OP AF Signal Input
5 FB FB Filter
6 GA Gain adjust
7 GND Ground
8 GND Ground
9 OP AF Output
10 BS BootStrap

Fig 2. schematic for 5.8 watt audio power amplifier


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